Nancy Nash: Meeting women where they are

Nancy Nash had never been to a formal TeamWomen networking event before. 

But that didn’t stop her from bringing, well, a network of women with her to the 2024 TeamWomen Annual Conference this past May. 

Nancy, the Senior Director of Operations for Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, had known of TeamWomen for years. In fact, she’s been friends with TeamWomen executive director Katy Burke since 9th grade.

Last year however, is when she finally felt a pull to join and understand more about what TeamWomen was all about. 

What she learned amazed her. 

Nancy’s first TeamWomen’s event was the 2023 Annual Conference last spring. 

TeamWomen’s commitment to facilitating outstanding events is what truly captured her.

Everything TeamWomen does is on a higher level of excellence, Nancy said. The speakers were engaging and informative, the opportunities were broad, and it was just fun!

Nancy wears many hats in her career with Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, including overseeing the day to day functions of an organization that’s open 7 days a week. She does HR, works closely with the finance department, and sits on the boards for various affiliates, among many other responsibilities. It’s a job she loves. 

While she’s not looking to make a change to her career, Nancy still values TeamWomen for its ability to uplift and empower women like herself. 

TeamWomen is excellent at meeting women exactly where they are.

Which is why she brought 30 of her female colleagues to the Annual Conference in May. 

“I wanted them to get out of the walls of our church and see what’s happening with other women,” Nancy said. “I think it’s important to continue to engage and broaden people’s perspectives outside of the walls where you work.”

The women attending the conference from Mount Olivet represented an age range of 21-67. The speakers at the event bring such a diverse background collectively that each woman who attended found something that resonated deeply. 

And the reviews from her colleagues have been overwhelmingly positive.

Libby Fotland, Coordinator of Marketing and Communications for Mount Olivet, loved the supportive, empowering atmosphere. 

“I walked away from the event feeling empowered! The speakers were excellent and had areas of expertise or experience that was applicable to every woman in the room. I also loved that it was a room full of women supporting other women!”

Another colleague, Gail Breen, Coordinator of Membership, Fellowship and Special Events for Mount Olivet, walked away feeling empowered to be a better advocate for herself.

“Attending the Team Women Conference was a transformative experience that provided me with invaluable insights and strategies for excelling in my career. The inspiring speakers and supportive network of professional women empowered me to advocate for myself in the workplace.”

Nancy told TeamWomen that the level of enthusiasm that permeates each event is inspiring. It’s all about empowering and supporting women and girls of all ages. 

Looking ahead, Nancy is hoping to add to her TeamWomen cohorts by one more.

“My daughter is moving here from Chicago,” she said. “I hope she’ll participate!”

We can’t wait to meet her, Nancy!

For more information on Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, visit their website here. For more information on this year’s Annual Conference, see our Annual Report

TeamWomen is a premier professional women’s non-profit organization deeply committed to developing future generations of women in leadership. Membership includes 600 women from the C-suite to young professionals who work in a variety of key industries including business, corporate, sports, and civic organizations. Each year, we inspire women to make meaningful connections and rise together through 40 leadership development events, mentoring, and youth empowerment.


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