Get Involved with TeamWomen

Are you looking for an opportunity to get engaged with TeamWomen members, utilize your skills to help TeamWomen grow and/or enhance your leadership skills? We have several opportunities available for your consideration. Our committees are made up of a diverse group of professional women who help drive our membership, plan key events, act as ambassadors for TeamWomen, and give their input for the long-term vision of the organization.

Please find the list of committees and responsibilities below. If any peak your interest, contact the committee chair to learn how you can get involved:

Empower Gala Committee
The Empower Gala Committee assists in the planning and execution of the TeamWomen Annual Empower Gala.

Responsibilities of Committee Members: 
  • Participate in overall gala planning
  • Review and recommend strategies to meet the conference budget and attendance goals.
  • Solicit sponsors and motivate others to do the same.
  • Request donations for silent & live auction items, wine pull, and ensure proper documentation is collected from donors.
  • Purchase tickets, attend the Empower Gala, and encourage community participation.
  • Volunteer for event logistics, including setup, greeting attendees, cleanup, and more using the sign-up sheet.
  • Form subcommittees as needed.
  • Chair | Brandi Warmbier

    Brandi Warmbier-Square-0724
    Finance Committee
    The Finance Committee oversees the organization’s financial results and policies for appropriateness and compliance with best accounting practices.

    Responsibilities of Committee Members: 
    • Review monthly financial statements.
    • Meet or participate in a conference call at least quarterly to review financial activity and statements, monitor activities, and assess adherence to the revenue goals and budget.
    • Assist with preparing the Annual Budget. By November of each year, the Committee presents the Budget to the Board of Directors for their approval.
    • Report financial information to the Board of Directors, noting any significant items for discussion.
    • Review the organization’s financial policies, procedures, and internal controls regularly to ensure that they are up-to-date and relevant to the applicable IRS rules and regulations.
    • Make recommendations for changes and improvements.
    • Chair | Alissa Henriksen

      Alissa Henriksen-Square-0724
      Leadership Conference Committee
      The Leadership Conference Committee assists in planning and executing the TeamWomen  Annual Leadership Conference, which inspires, educates, and empowers attendees. This important flagship event provides a platform for a diverse, multigenerational audience to come together for networking, professional development, and the sharing of innovative ideas to support participants’ growth and success.

      Responsibilities of Committee Members: 
      • Participate in overall conference planning and provide input on the speaker slate and programming.
      • Review and recommend strategies to meet the conference budget and attendance goals.
      • Solicit sponsors and motivate others to do the same.
      • Purchase tickets, attend the Leadership Conference, and encourage community participation.
      • Volunteer for event logistics, including setup, greeting attendees, cleanup, and more using the sign-up sheet.
      • Form subcommittees as needed.
      • Chair | Laura Boyd

        Laura Boyd-Square-0724
        Membership Committee
        The Membership Committee supports the Executive Director and the organization’s mission by focusing on our members’ growth, engagement, and retention. The committee is critical in ensuring our membership base remains vibrant, diverse, and actively involved in the organization’s activities.

        Responsibilities of Committee Members: 
        • Recruitment and Outreach
        • Connect with potential members through various channels, including events, networking, and partnerships.
        • Member Engagement
        • Assist the Executive Director as co-facilitator of our quarterly virtual New Member Orientation, which provides information on how members can fully engage in the organization and with other members.
        • Promote programs, events, and initiatives that enhance the member experience and encourage active participation.
        • Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members, ensuring they feel valued and connected to the organization.
        • Purchase tickets to attend events.
        • Volunteer to work the membership table, registration table, set-up/clean-up, and serve as a Table Ambassador utilizing the Membership Committee sign-up sheet as schedules permit.
        • Retention
        • Monitor membership trends and identify factors that influence member retention.
        • Collaborating with the Executive Director, develop and execute initiatives to retain members, including personalized communication and feedback mechanisms.
        • Chair | Cathy Paper

          Cathy Paper-Square-0724
          WaveMaker Awards Committee
          The WaveMaker Awards Committee is responsible for refining the framework for the WaveMaker Awards and executing this event. This important flagship event enhances TeamWomen’s impact by recognizing diverse honorees while securing sponsorships and resources.

          Responsibilities of Committee Members: 
          • Refine processes for nominations, honoree submissions, sponsorships, logistics, and presentations.
          • Propose a slate of honorees for Executive Committee approval.
          • Review and recommend strategies to meet budget and attendance goals.
          • Solicit sponsors and motivate others to do the same.
          • Purchase tickets, attend the WaveMaker Awards, and encourage community participation.
          • Volunteer for event logistics, including setup, greeting attendees, cleanup, and more using the sign-up sheet.
          • Form subcommittees as needed.
          • Chair | Stacey Jensen

            Stacey Jensen-Square-0724
            Community Outreach Committee
            The Community Outreach Committee is dedicated to expanding TeamWomen’s presence and impact within the community. The committee aims to build strong relationships with local organizations, engage with diverse communities, and promote the mission of TeamWomen through various outreach activities.

            Responsibilities of Committee Members: 
            • In collaboration with the Executive Director, identify and establish partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and community groups to support mutual goals and initiatives.
            • Coordinate 1-2 volunteer opportunities for TeamWomen members to participate in community outreach projects. (Diaper Bank, Cookie Cart, etc)
            • In partnership with the St. Paul Police Department, continue the Backpacks For Kids Drive. Assist in soliciting donations and organize a backpack packing and delivery day one to two times a year.
            • In partnership with the St. Paul Police Department, continue our Holiday Shopping experience. Shop, wrap and deliver gifts to 2-3 families during December.
            • Promote community outreach events, initiatives, and fundraising efforts through social media, newsletters, and other communication channels.
            • Gather feedback from community partners and event participants to continually improve outreach efforts and identify new opportunities for engagement.
            • Contact our Help Desk for information

              Miki Huntington-Square-0724
              Professional Development Committee
              The Professional Development Committee assists in planning and organizing professional development events to enhance leadership skills, emotional intelligence, executive presence, and more.

              Responsibilities of Committee Members: 
              • Plan 2 to 4 professional development events annually. These events can be standalone or integrated with events already identified by the Executive Director.
              • Organize bi-monthly (or quarterly) book club events. Assign committee members to select the books and facilitate discussions.
              • Promote events through social media, personal networks, and other relevant channels.
              • Purchase tickets to attend Professional Development Committee events.
              • Volunteer at committee events to assist with greeting attendees, set-up/clean-up, facilitating book club, and more using the sign-up sheet.
              • Chair | Tammy Hutter

                Tammy Hutter-Square-0724