Christen Cook: Changing the course of her career

When Christen Cook attended her first TeamWomen Leadership Conference in 2018, it felt like the stars had aligned. 

She remembers the moment she first came up the escalator into the vibrant lobby of the conference. She had come to the TeamWomen Annual Leadership Conference alone, but found camaraderie quickly.  At her arrival, Christen was immediately greeted by a sea of professional women whose laughter and friendship felt palpable. 

Any previous apprehension vanished, and Christen quickly settled in, felt at home, and decided she wanted to join the TeamWomen family. 

But first, as it does, life had other plans. 

It wasn’t until the spring of 2022– after her struggles with infertility, a global pandemic, and the joyful arrival of a newborn– that Christen finally returned to the Annual Leadership Conference– this time with a colleague in tow. And again, she loved it.

Not long after, Christen began to feel stagnant in her role at work. By 2023, she resolved to make meaningful engagement with TeamWomen her professional development priority. Joining the organization, applying for the Mentor Program, and immersing herself in the community by regularly attending events became the catalyst she needed.

It was impeccable timing. 

Her decision to wade deep into TeamWomen altered the trajectory of Christen’s career in unforeseen ways. 

“Amidst a whirlwind of events including an unexpected job offer, a new role, business travel, and then an unfortunate corporate restructuring I found myself unemployed. TeamWomen emerged as the cornerstone of my professional network, opening doors to new opportunities,” Christen told TeamWomen. 

Networking became her lifeline. TeamWomen, with its variety of events and supportive community, proved truly invaluable. From attending events to scheduling networking calls, every interaction became a stepping stone towards her next chapter.

During a book club event with TeamWomen in early 2024, Christen had a revitalizing, spontaneous conversation with the book’s author, Jaime Taets. It sparked a chain of events: a networking call, a job interview, and ultimately, a job offer. 

In the same week, Christen was offered a second job offer at another exciting position. Faced with choosing between two exceptional offers, Christen said she was overwhelmed with gratitude.

“Now, as the Director of Client Success at Aroris Health,” she said, “I find myself immersed in an organization whose values and mission resonate deeply with my own.”

Amidst it all, Christen was able to pay it forward. 

“During this whirlwind, I recommended a fellow TeamWomen member for the role I declined, and she was offered the position a few weeks later!”

Christen’s life has completely changed. She attributes it to TeamWomen. 

It’s the power of networking. 

The power of showing up. 

But mostly, the power of women selflessly lifting one another up. It’s something she’ll never again take for granted. 

Looking ahead, Christen is especially excited about an upcoming leadership trip to Italy’s Dolomite Mountains with Jaime Taets and ten other remarkable women. It’s a blend of professional growth and personal enrichment, and she can’t wait to embark on the adventure.

Christen has a heartfelt invitation to anyone considering exploring what TeamWomen has to offer:

“Whether you dip your toes in or dive headfirst, you’ll find a welcoming community of motivated women eager to hear your story. Who knows where it may lead!”

Visit our events page to learn more about TeamWomen’s exciting opportunities to grow your professional network. 

TeamWomen is a premier professional women’s non-profit organization deeply committed to developing future generations of women in leadership. Membership includes 600 women from the C-suite to young professionals who work in a variety of key industries including business, corporate, sports, and civic organizations. Each year, we inspire women to make meaningful connections and rise together through 40 leadership development events, mentoring, and youth empowerment.


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Minneapolis, MN 55416

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