TeamWomen Member Jennifer Mandery

Jennifer Mandery: Providing empowering insights through TeamWomen's member survey

In the diverse tapestry of incredible women within the TeamWomen community, one individual shines brightly as a catalyst for insight, engagement, and vision: Jennifer Mandery.

As the Vice President for Research at The NALP Foundation for Law Career Research and Education, Jennifer is unmatched when it comes to research methodology, data analysis, and strategic guidance. With such expertise, she has been instrumental in transforming data into actionable insights.

Since 2017, Jennifer has been an active member of TeamWomen, and her involvement with the Membership Committee and Mentor Program exemplifies her commitment to empowering more women in leadership roles. 

Through her volunteer efforts on the TeamWomen Membership Committee, Jennifer spearheaded the development of the Membership Survey. This critical tool has been a compass for TeamWomen over the last several years. Through this survey, TeamWomen is able to gather and track member engagement, satisfaction, preferences, and demographic data, illuminating organizational strengths and identifying areas for new opportunities.

TeamWomen aligns the queries with emerging trends and utilizes various platforms such as emails, newsletters, social media, and the website to disseminate the survey, ensuring a robust response rate.

TeamWomen collects both empirical data and narrative comments to gain additional insights. We are deeply grateful for the candid feedback members provide, which helps to shape future events, programs, and activities to best meet the holistic needs of women.

Furthermore, the Member Survey extends its reach as a conduit for understanding the needs and aspirations of TeamWomen members, which ultimately guides how TeamWomen organizes and plan events, programs, and initiatives to enhance everyone’s experiences and strengthen engagement.

The vision for the survey is to increase participation to ensure all voices are heard. TeamWomen will continue to explore the impact of the virtual environment, topics of interest for future programs, and best practices for elevating engagement, expanding connections, and fostering a supportive community for women.

The 2023 Member Survey results provided illuminating insights into our community’s overall satisfaction and goals for the future. Thanks to our organization’s commitment to delivering value, the survey verified high levels of satisfaction among members and their anticipation to renew their memberships. The survey also revealed the incredible impact TeamWomen has had on the personal growth, philanthropic engagement, and professional mobility of our members. 

In the future, with the help  of Jennifer Mandery’s vision and leadership, our team will continue to mold and shape the trajectory of TeamWomen’s Member Survey. We are looking forward to supporting our fellow women by leveraging data-driven insights and fostering an empowering and collaborative community culture. 

Thanks to Jennifer’s contributions and exemplary spirit of empowerment, TeamWomen can continue doing what we do best – supporting our fellow women in leadership. 

TeamWomen is a premier professional women’s non-profit organization deeply committed to developing future generations of women in leadership. Membership includes 600 women from the C-suite to young professionals who work in a variety of key industries including business, corporate, sports, and civic organizations. Each year, we inspire women to make meaningful connections and rise together through 40 leadership development events, mentoring, and youth empowerment.


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Minneapolis, MN 55416

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