Judy Zimmer, president of Coachology.us and Debbie Kraemer, a project manager, were connected in the TEAMWomen Mentoring Program in 2017.  Both women have found value in the mentoring relationship and in this interview, both talk about the power of mentoring.

Debbie, what made you decide to seek out a mentor?

I didn’t choose the Team Women Mentoring program, I believe it chose me!  I was discussing my career journey with my sister-in-law, Beth Kraemer, and she told me about this group and all the benefits she has enjoyed from it.  Beth suggested that I sign up for the Mentoring program to help with my adventure of finding something new in my career.

Judy, this is your second time participating as a mentor.  What made you decide to work with a mentee?

I love working with engaging and successful mentees.  Debbie is a very successful business professional and strives to be even better.  She is an avid reader and has expanded my list of business books.  I have learned from her and she has learned from me.

Debbie, what has been the biggest surprise and most rewarding part of the mentoring relationship?

The most surprising experience I have enjoyed since joining the mentoring program is the positive, forward thinking shift in my mindset in only 3 ½ months, it has been simply amazing.

The most rewarding experience is meeting Judy and spending time with her.  She is a positive force who has made me realize I am capable of anything, the world is mine and I have everything I need inside myself to be successful and happy.

Debbie, what advice would you give to someone who doesn’t have a mentor?

I would tell another business professional who is hesitant about joining a mentoring program that we truly limit ourselves when we live inside our own head and believe all the negative stuff that we make up.  We can spend countless hours reading self-help books, listening to positive self-help podcasts and YouTube videos but we must ACT and do something to really be happy and fulfilled.  One of the best ways to do that is through a mentor who will help us to see how we are limiting ourselves and how to ‘break out of ourselves’.

Debbie, what would you say about the TeamWomen organization?

My experience with the Team Women Mentoring Program has been amazing, it has changed my mindset, helped me let go of negative thinking, raised my confidence level and I now have connections with hundreds of other strong women.

Judy, what would you say to TeamWomen members who have not participated in the program?

TeamWomen has an amazing process for matching mentors and mentees.  There is training, engaging meetings along the way and monthly mentoring topics.  Being a mentor is a wonderful way to serve the community and being a mentee is a great way to increase your professional profile, confidence and connections.  There are no downsides to the process.