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March 13, 2019
8:30 am - 10:30 am CDT
$25 – $45


Carlson School of Management
321 19th Avenue S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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Mind the Pay Gap: How to Negotiate Your Salary | Kelly McClellan | Carlson School of Management

March 13, 2019 @ 8:30 am - 10:30 am CDT - $25 – $45

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We know that on average women make 79 cents to the dollar. We also know that women are less likely to negotiate than men. This session helps women advocate for themselves, and learn what they can do to negotiate their salary in a new job scenario or current role.

TeamWomen has partnered with the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management Executive Education to bring you this informative professional development event. Join us as Kelly McClellan, Senior Associate Director of Carlson School of Management, leads us through Mind the Pay Gap: How to Negotiate Your Salary.

Event Description:

The Gender Pay Gap is a well-known concept. Women consistently are earning less than their male counterparts. And, we also know that women are less likely to advocate for themselves. But, what can YOU do about YOUR situation? 

This session will show you:

  • The impact of NOT negotiating
  • How to handle the “what are your salary requirements?” question
  • How to figure out what the market may pay you
  • What the negotiation conversation sounds like during a job offer
  • Steps you can take to negotiate a raise

Join us at 8 AM for a continental breakfast provided by Carlson School of Management!

The Carlson School of Management building is located at the intersection of 19th Avenue South and 4th Street South on the University of Minnesota’s West Bank. Public parking is available in the 19th Avenue Ramp, which has entrances on 3rd Street South and Riverside Avenue. The skyway entrance to the building is on the third floor of the ramp. Follow the skyway into the building, and at your first opportunity, take a left. The Executive Center is to your immediate left. For more parking instructions, view the Carlson School map.

Carlson School of Management | Executive Center | 321 19th Avenue South | 2nd Floor, Suite 2-260 | Minneapolis, MN 55455

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