September 5, 2018 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm CDT - $25 – $45
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Inclusion is about being a valued contributor to your team, organization or community. Inclusive leadership is the practice of intentionally including the contributions of others who may or may not be like you. Inclusive leaders put people first and know their motivations, talents and skills well enough to engage and leverage them for innovation and creativity.
In this interactive presentation, participants will learn what best practice research has to say about inclusive leadership and the types of behaviors that bring out the best in others.
As a result of this presentation, participants will:
• Recognize the benefits and challenges of inclusive leadership
• Learn the characteristics central to inclusive leadership
• Understand the belonging impacts employee engagement
• Identify personal strategies to improve your own ability to practice inclusive leadership
TeamWomenMN is pleased to offer Power Luncheon Signature Events that feature top leaders who share their personal and professional leadership stories. Support from these distinguished guests allows TeamWomenMN to highlight our Mission in Action: To inspire, encourage and support women in reaching their full potential.
Thank you to our event sponsors: